Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is it Just a List of Names?

There are different ideas about how to treat the book of Genesis. Some would say that there are gaps of time between verses 1 and 2 of chapter one. Others would say that a day as it is used in the creation account doesn't really mean a calendar day but could instead represent an unspecified period of time. And then there are others who imply that there are gaps in the genealogical list found in the tenth chapter of Genesis. All of these views are held to in one way or another in order to explain evolution and interpret the geological column. Then the Bible would conform with modern sciences ideas about millions of years, the origin and demise of dinosaurs as well as a host of other theories.

The real issue is often masked by the arguments presented. When we try to say that a day doesn't mean a day (even though it is almost always used to describe a 24 hour calendar day in the Bible) and that there must be gaps of time to explain creation, we are really questioning the validity of Scripture. If every verse in the book of Genesis doesn't mean what it says and can't be taken literally then on what platform do we try to convince people of the authenticity of any other portion of the Word of God. The Bible is either what it claims to be or it is not. If that is the case then "we of all men are most miserable."

In closing consider Genesis chapter 10. Here we have a list of descendants of Noah. If there are gaps in this list in various places then we cannot rely on the information and it becomes what some describe as just "another dumb list of names!" However, if this chapter is literally true and accurate as presented then we have not just another list of names, but rather a reliable list of the nations and peoples who descended from Noah. If that is the case, chapter 10 becomes a vital part of human history!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Lesson From the Past

As mentioned yesterday, I believe a storm unlike anything America has ever seen is on the horizon. A change is coming that found its footing and fruition in a new administration and an already very corrupt Congress. It is in the past that I think we can find our for boding future.

Think about it. What in the world is going on? As a nation we have incredible technology and amazing advancements in every field. We have for the most part the best of the best. Even with all of that something is missing. Like a cake without a key ingredient, the taste just isn't right. For the most advanced nation in the world to be approaching implosion should be a cause for question if not alarm. If we suddenly become ill we call the doctor to diagnose the problem. If the check engine light pops on we don't ignore it and assume everything is alright. And yet, while many are concerned about about the direction that our government is heading, I have only heard one person in the national media mention the solution.

At the end of the book of Judges we find the nation of Israel in one of her bleakest and darkest periods. The nation had reached the low point of rejecting God's leadership through a king. They wanted none of it and sought to do it their own way. We read in 21:25 "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." As a result of rejecting God everything was falling apart. Eventually God brought Israel's own enemies in to drag them into captivity so that they would willing come back to Him. Throughout the Old Testament any time God's chosen people cut Him out of their lives trouble ensued.

In the New Testament we see what happened when a group of people rejected God. In Romans chapter one we are told that "although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing them selves to be wise they became fools." Out of this rejection of God came twenty two characteristics of a society that rejects God. You can find these listed in verses 28-31. While this was written a long time ago it certainly sounds like a contemporary description of America.

What has happened? First we took prayer and Bible reading out of our schools, then we made the wholesale murder of our children a legal and acceptable practice. In recent years calls have come from some in our own Congress to remove all of the verses of Scripture from our government buildings. We've outlawed Christmas carols, Nativity scenes, any mention of God and now we are printing money without "In God We Trust."

Is the coming storm anything like what Israel went through? If so we are headed for some major changes. Is it too late to reverse things or is our course set?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Nation Adrift

Each morning when I check the latest news updates I remind myself that I can't remember any period of our nation's history that parallels what we are growing through, at least not in my life time. The majority of politicians on all sides continue to operate as if they are the vassals and the rest of us are the serfs. The president is regularly apologizing for America as he busily reshapes "the land of the free and the home of the brave" into a state that would have made Karl Marx proud. Any disagreement with him brings calls of racism that I thought was part of our countries past rather than a topic of revival for the present.

On the world scene America's new status is causing confusion in Poland and glee in Moscow. Holocaust denying dictators are welcomed to the podium of the United Nations while the Prime Minister of Israel faces a hostile crowd of diplomats at the same organization. Iran breaks all the rules developing a nuclear arsenal while Israel is told she can't defend herself. A collapsing global economy, record unemployment and fear about what's next characterizes the world today.

Maybe it's just me but do you get the feeling that something is going on? I don't mean just the antics of a new administration but something more. Something that has been developing for a long time; a plan that has been in the works for decades or even longer. I sense it in the news and I hear it in the checkout line at Wal-Mart. Like a distant storm forming on the horizon, something is coming.

In the book of Ecclesiastes we find the following words in verse 1: "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." An interesting question to ponder is what season and time do we now find ourselves in? The answer might very well help us understand what's going on as well as the severity of the coming storm.

Join me tomorrow for some answers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In Step With God's Timing

Someone once asked me if God had a wrist watch and I replied "no" because He created time for man's benefit. While that is true it is also true that God does things with timing in mind. We see this in statements like "the time is fulfilled, the fullness of time, the times of the Gentiles and the day of salvation" to mention a few.

The phrase "being in the right place at the right time" is a familiar one. This is usually employed when something good happens to a person. If you are a Christian life is not about the roll of the dice or good luck. It's about always being ready to respond when God exercises His timing in your life. One of the most exciting things about being a Christian is seeing God open a new door of opportunity that you could not possible have imagined the day before. To walk through that door requires faith and obedience.

In the case of Israel, God had met all their needs and taken care of them as they fled Egypt. God proved that He was faithful and worthy of their trust. When He led them to Kadesh Barnea, it was with the intent that Israel should cross over the Jordan and claim the Land that had been promised to them. Instead of acting they procrastinated and allowed the disingenuous report of 10 men to cloud their vision. On that faithful day Israel had two choices, believe the report of the ten or the report of the Joshua and Caleb. The scene is described by Moses in the book of Deuteronomy in chapter 1:29-32: "Then I said to you, do not be terrified, or afraid of them. The Lord your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you, according to all He did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderness where you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, in all the way that you went until you came to this place. Yet for all that, you did not believe the Lord your God."

What a strange thing for men to see the reality of God's good hand on them, their families and their country and have the same reaction that Israel did all those centuries ago. Man's nature hasn't changed through the years. Now when America finds herself in a crisis unrivaled since yer founding there is a great movement toward patriotism but little movement toward God. Those who over 200 years ago risked all to birth this nation understood that if God were ever to be cut out of the picture America's greatness would come to a standstill. Some have said America's greatness is her people and without question there is a sense in which that is true. To coin a warn out political catch phrase, the "fact of the matter" is that America's greatness is due to the good and faithful hand of God. Patriotism without God really becomes pointless.

Even though much of the final words of Moses was to remind the people about the precise timing of God's leading in their lives, they still eventually tried to live as if they could get along without Him. May the "sleeping giant" called America return to God so that we don't have to follow the same path of those who refused to cross the river into the promised land.

Friday, May 29, 2009

How's Your Vision

When I was a child my family travelled across the southeastern part of the United States. On more than one occasion on that trip I saw signs that indicated who could eat at a restaurant, use the bathroom and ride public transportation. When I asked my parents they said those signs were put up by "people who couldn't see well." Although these sights left me confused as a child because I been raised to see people as individuals and not as colors, my parents response was very clear. That was a long time ago and with all of advances that have come in our country and culture one would thing that those images would have become a thing of the past. Sad to say that is far from the case.

With the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court we once again hear the rally call of racism leveled against anyone who opposes her assuming this position. We have heard this most recently about anyone who disagrees with our new president. What a paradox it is that one of the ugliest chapters in America's history is constantly used as a "wild card" by those in Washington who are supposed to represent all of the people. Those who do this have but one agenda, and that is to impose their way and opinion on everyone. They will use race, ethnicity and anything else to win. In reality though, as long as these tactics are part of our culture no one will ever win.

We continue to be a nation that falls for lies like this as we consistently move away from the truth. Many today would say there is no truth to move away from because all truth is relative. That is officially called post-modernism and it is perhaps would of the oldest lies of all. Proponets of this lie would argue that there is no truth except as it appears in the eyes of the beholder so man can do and say whatever he wants.

Moving away from the truth has had tremendous consequences that we continue to experience on a daily basis as a nation. A collapsing economy, immorality accepted as normality, and the gutting of the nation as we have known it. While all of this is purported by some as clear evidence of man's on going evolution as a species it is in reality the sad result of man's devolution. While our amazing technology improves, the nature of man continues to deteriorate. If you doubt this take any week of any month and read or listen to the news.

I am thankful for being raised to see people as unique individuals. My wife and I raised our 8 children that way and hopefully they will do the same with their children. Through the years we have had so many wonderful friends from all over the world. Different cultures, languages and faces. But all unique individuals.

In the Old Testament God told Samuel to go and find the new king of Israel. When Samuel met one man he thought to himself that this must be the new king of Israel, but he was wrong. While he probably was an impressive young man he was not the one of God's choosing. In verse 7 in II Samuel God said, "Do not look at his appearance or his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

I hope you see well enough to recognize the truth and not fall for the lie!
You guessed it, the bible is the truth that I was referring to. To reject it and neglect it is tantamount to being lost in a huge cavern while someone turns off all the lights out and then complains about the darkness.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Valley With No End In Sight

As a Christian I have learned through the years how wonderful those mountaintop experiences can be when prayer is answered, the fog you were engulfed in is suddenly lifted and you are able to see your way clear to the next step in life. I have also learned equally well the testing of the valleys. Sometimes it is a short valley with a spot of light to move towards but other times it is the kind of valley whose length seems to go on forever as you find yourself trapped in its darkness and gloom. The only way you would understand these word pictures is if you have both enjoyed the mountaintops and have found yourself struggling as a valley dweller.

Mountaintops are easy to be thankful for and enjoy the abundances of God's blessings. Valley living is a different story as often times the best you can hope for is enough light to take the next step. It is so easy to exhibit contentment when we breathe in that clean mountain air and equally so hard to find contentment when we find ourselves in the stressful existence of the valley. But in reality that is the key to valley survival skills. Learning contentment as Paul mentioned in Philippians 4:11. Contentment is much easier to practice when things are going well, the bills are paid, and the refrigerator is full. The real lessons of contentment are learned when you're stuck and there is nothing you can do but wait on Him.

It is only when you experience the feeling of not being in control that you begin to learn to become absolutely dependent on Him and His that word. Its at this point that you really begin to understand what contentment means. Please notice Paul said that he had "learned" to be content. That learning only comes when you walk through the valley and realize that God's "word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path" Psalm 119:105. That is when you learn to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; (so that) in all your ways (you can) acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths," Proverbs 3:5-6.

You may be feeling your way through the valley at this moment with some trial or test. One of the questions you may be asking is how can I know for sure that this will end and I'll finally see light at the end of the trail? The answer is simple, so simple in fact that it took me a few years to finally get it. God is in control. That's it! He is sovereign and He and He alone is in control of all that goes on and especially so in the lives of His children. Now your valley time may have caused you to doubt this but I can prove it to you. In John 10:14 Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by my own." In verse 27 He said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Just think, the God who created the universe, John 1:1-3 cares about His own; you! So if you belong to Him, He not only knows what mountaintop you are rejoicing on, He also knows exactly where you are in the valley of darkness, disappointment and pain.

Don't give in or give up. Take it from one who has explored many valleys, He will give you enough light to see His path through and out of whatever valley you're in. And if perhaps you are on the mountaintop, enjoy it because everything is downhill from there!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Left's Confusing Morality

Listening to those on the liberal left talk about morality is a little like trying to understand one of my grand kids. She has allot to say but because of her limited vocabulary it's hard to understand her constant ramblings.

Take for example the word moral. It is morally correct to release pictures of water boarding that will put CIA field agents and our military at a greater risk but it is morally unacceptable to bring up the murder of over a million children a year. Its morally unacceptable for Carrie Prejean, Miss California to exercise her right of free speech but perfectly fine for some on the left to be rude and use vulgarity as they attack her person and character. Its not a moral question when a well known media personality deliberately slants a story or even lies in presenting it but it is a moral outrage to question their ethics.

While some suggest that there is a double standard with the left, I believe it goes deeper than that. The word moral is defined as "pertaining to, or concerned with right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong." Other words that help us understand moral are "ethical, right, proper, virtuous, honorable, noble, estimable, meritorious, principled, just, fair, aboveboard; pure, honest, high-minded and saintly." The problem for many liberals is not just a difference of opinion in this area, it is the apparent lack of any moral foundation. They don't get the point because for them morality is not what is right or wrong, but rather what is relative to the individual and the situation.

If morality is being able to make the distinction between what is right and wrong, than it would seem vital to determine where we get our standard of right and wrong from. That standard did not originate with your grandmother, the founding fathers or even the Pilgrims. It didn't come from da Vinci, Michelangelo or Socrates. Where did our standard for ethics, morality, and virtue come from? It came from the book of Exodus when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. The roots of every noble thought that man has ever had can be found in those ten basic laws. They are vital to the success of an individual or a nation. When they are done away with the lines of right and wrong become blurry and confusing. It all then depends on the individuals point of view.

When anyone rejects the foundation of morality they are also rejecting the author of that morality. The book of Romans in the New Testament reveals what happens when this takes place in chapter 1 verses 21-22 and verse 28. "Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify God Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools." "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind.

For far too many morality has become fluid rather than a solid foundation to build a life, family or a country upon. Until there is a return to the God of the Old and New Testament and His word we will continue to be a nation adrift in the sea of moral confusion.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Saddest Thing About Washington Politics

In recent days many changes have taken place in our country. While these events have caused some to rejoice many wonder where we are headed as a nation and what will be left for those who follow after us. The popularity of the U S Congress is at the lowest point in a long time. The frustrations and concerns of many Americans have gone largely ignored by those who sit on both sides of the aisle. The majority in the media have taken to openly referring to many Americans who voice concerns as trouble makers. Part of our government has labeled at best some of these as people who should be watched and at worst, terrorists. I cannot personally remember a time like this in American history.

While all of this and more is troubling I find part of it to be with out a doubt the saddest thing about politics. There is a lack of a key ingredient in most of those who legislate, govern, carry out policies and sit behind desks of power in our nation's capital. This missing ingredient is probably doing more to harm the present status and future direction of our country than any other single thing. What single thing could be so dangerous? Lack of character.

It is lack of character that will allow a politician to lie to the American people. They simply don't understand that one of the driving elements of frustration in this country is that so many in Washington think that the average American is dumb enough to believe the constant pattern of lies. George Washington understood the importance of character when he said "few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." Mark Twain also understood the value of character when he wrote the following words in 1901: "Always do right. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest." Many of us in this country would like to be astonished by the abundance of a politician's character.

When character is missing trust has no fertilizer and men begin to do whatever is right in their eyes. When character is no longer valued than the moral and spiritual fibers become strained and begin to fray. When character is no longer elevated than men and women have no problem looking into a television camera and tell whoppers to the people who elected them. When character is lost than those who should have it don't even realize its gone.

I recently read a great story that illustrated personal character and integrity. Thomas Edison once invented a talking doll that had a phonograph inside its body with nursery rhymes that had been previously recorded. It was a one of kind invention. Hundreds of these unique dolls were produced before Edison found out that his company had sold the right to manufacture phonographic toys to another company years before.

Although the other company never complained Edison immediately stopped manufacturing the talking dolls and had the remaining ones destroyed. That was character. He chose to do right because it was the right thing to do.

Perhaps those who have been elected, appointed and hired to fill the all important jobs in government should take stock of themselves and realize the consequences of governing without character. Across this great country there are older Americans and very impressionable younger Americans that are all trying to figure out if there is anyone left inside the "beltway" that can be trusted.

The saddest thing about Washington politics is that those involved have forgotten that the measure of a person's character is what they would do, if they knew they would never be found out. Regardless of what the outcome might be, it is always right do to right!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Cell That Defies Evolution

What cell could defy the teachings of evolution? Even though a cell phone is an evolving piece of technology, it won't work. A cell of people who are part of a larger group won't work either. While there are several different kinds of cells there is only one that will defy evolution and that is the human cell.

The human body is a marvel to say the very least. Within each human exists somewhere between 10 and 75 trillion cells. These are the only numbers I've seen recently that dwarf the recent stimulus package from Washington! The actual number of cells is dependent on a person's size and age. Of these trillions of cells there are two hundred identified variations like nerve cells, red and white blood cells. There are cells that fight infection as well as cells that help us forget things.

Each one of these trillions of cells contains--what has been estimated to be--one billion compounds. When you take a snapshot of the whole person we're talking about something like 75 sextillion compounds!!! I can't even begin to imagine a number of that magnitude! To make it even more staggering there are approxmately five million different kinds of proteins in those compounds. These proteins know where they are going and exactly what they are to do once they have reached their destination.

Within each cell is a nucleus that contains 23 pairs of complex chromosomes that are know as DNA. These chromosomes contain 100,000 genes that can be broken down into six billion chemical bases of which there are four kinds. They appear in every person in various combinations that tell the body all that it needs to know about development, physical characteristics, eating, surviving and reproducing.

This brief information about the cell is like touching the tip of the iceberg! What is important to understand is that anything this complex with millions of functions going on at the same time could not have possibly have had the time to develop in six or eight or ten billion years of evolutionary existence! It is statistically impossible for the human cell to be the result of random selection. To say otherwise would mean that it would be possible to put a Random House Dictionary of the English Language in a paper shredder, dump the pieces off the Empire State Building and when it all hit the ground it would somehow find itself once again a bound large dictionary!

In these confused days of change and confusion it's nice to know that this information was all known before the microscope was even invented. Listen to the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 139: verses 13-14 when he wrote "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works." It is vital to know in these uncertain times that God loves you and He uniqually designed you! Did you know that in 1860 Charles Darwin said that he had no intention to "write atheistically." It makes you wonder if those who teach atheistic evolution today are not more interested in convincing people that there is no God rather than actually expecting us to believe that the cell just happened!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Empty Repititious Rhetoric

Words form the basis of how we communicate. There was a time (not that long ago) when speaking properly with well chosen words was as important as legible hand writing. Our founding fathers were very careful in the choice of words they used not only for the constitution but also for their own writings.

Now in our post-modern age of non-responsible behavior it has become acceptable to not only use profanity but also a constant dribble of catch phrases that are neither truthful or accurate. It is impossible to listen to the news without hearing a politician or media personality say "the fact of the matter is," "the American people want" "or the American people have spoken." Of course any request for them to back up their claim with facts is quickly dodged.

Recently President Obama made a statement while introducing his stem cell reversal decision that illustrates this tactic. He said: "But after much discussion, debate and reflection, the proper course has become clear. The majority of Americans, from across the political spectrum and from all backgrounds and beliefs, have come to a consensus that we should pursue this research – that the potential it offers is great, and with proper guidelines and strict oversight, the perils can be avoided." His statement was not only inaccurate, it was a lie! What majority is he talking about and where did he pull these statistics from? When a person's philosophy is "the end the justifies the means" they will say anything to realize their goal.

There is abundant medical evidence that shows adult stem cells are much more effective than those of an embryo. The question that should be asked is why would so many on the left push
this agenda and be willing to misrepresent both the American people and scientific evidence? The answer is simple. There is tremendous profit to be made for those who will be involved in harvesting stem cells from embryos.

There was a time in the history of our country (and not that long ago) when a man's word was his bond. Sadly those days are past as words have lost their importance, integrity and meaning.

Words are powerful. When Alexander Graham Bell said "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you" the telephone was invented and history was made. Neil Armstrong's words became forever embedded in our culture when he stepped on to the moon and said, "one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind." On November 19th, 1863 Abraham Lincoln said "four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Almost two years later a Senator made this comment about those words, "the world noted at once what he said, and will never cease to remember it.The battle itself was less important than the speech."

Perhaps the greatest display of the power of words is found in John 3:16 where we read, "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." With those words came the greatest promise to man that has ever been made!

Words are important because they have the unique abiblity to either build up or tear down an individual or a nation. Perhaps that's why the Bible places such importance on words. In Matthew 12:36 Jesus said, "But I said unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account therof in the day of judgment." When you review your vocabulary what kind of words do you use to express your thoughts and feelings?

There is great power and potential in words as illustrated by the following: "There are 800,000 in the English language, 300,000 are technical terms. The average person knows 10,000 words and uses 5,000 in everyday speech. A journalist knows approximately 15,000 and uses around 10,000." If these statistics are correct than those of us who are not journalists need to learn more words!!

The Tallest Man I Ever Knew –Part II

Imagine, if you can, a man so big that he wore a size 10 hat, a size 64 suit, a size 20 shoe on the right and a 21 on the left. He had a 22 inch neck, a 50 inch chest, a 49 inch waist and hands that were 19 inches long. That was Max Palmer! No matter how many times I ate a meal with him or took him somewhere I never ceased to be amazed at his size.

At 17 Max was the tallest basketball player on any high school team. He literally towered above everyone. One would think that Max was the most popular kid in school and headed for superstardom.

Beginning in grade 6 his years in school were not always easy because he was different. Being different meant never fitting in and always being teased. That early treatment by many who knew him caused him to become a heavy drinker. By his early twenties Max was in and out of trouble including jail.

By the early 1950’s Max’s size opened doors in Hollywood as he appeared in several movies. He was always a little scary when people would first see him but for the movies he needed to be “real scary.” With a little make-up he would easily become the malevolent giant or a huge killer ape!

After Hollwood, professional wrestling and several years as a bouncer in a night-club in Kansas City Max ended up in the hospital with some serious health issues. It was only after hearing how much God loved a giant that Max made the most important decision of his life when he accepted Jesus as his personal savior. He was a changed man after that. For the first time in his life he had purpose and direction. He spent several years traveling the country sharing his story in churches and schools. As “Goliath for Christ” he used to tell audiences “I used to play the piano, but I hardly pick one up anymore!”

In 1986 Max went in the hospital for his annual physical and while there contracted staff infection. Within a short period of time the infection was throughout his body and to the surpise of all his friends, Max died. His funeral was a memorable one. A backhoe lowered the grand piano case containing Max’s body into the ground.

I often remember those years of knowing him and recall the huge amount of food he ate every two hours, the look on someone’s face when they first saw the giant, his sense of humor as he scared people and his love for the Lord.

I think one of the reasons that he and I became friends is that we were opposites. He was at least two and a half feet taller than I am. We could not have been more different and yet it was our differences that connected us. Like Max, though, I had been teased during Junior and Senior High School. Like Max I felt that being short made me a freak. And like Max I found peace and acceptance in Christ. As much as Max learned to accept his size I learned that being short has great benefits. I always tell the short jokes first and make friends easily with little kids. Through the years I’ve had the privilege of telling a number of teenagers who was trying to deal with being short or being very tall, that God does love them and that they are specifically designed to be exactly who they are. What a blessing it has been to see a teen wounded by teasing to finally be able to accept themselves. In Jeremiah God said “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you.” Knowing that God made you the way He wanted you can help you face the teasing and the ridicule that the world loves to throw out.

Max was unique and so are you!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tallest Man I Ever Knew

I will never forget the first time I saw Max Palmer. He wasn’t just "big" he was HUGE! He had to stoop down to walk in a normal double doorway. Little did I know that after being introduced to him we would strike up a friendship that would last for many years.

I soon discovered that if Max sat in a church pew and I stood beside him we were the same size! Shoulder to shoulder my middle finger was two inches short of his elbow. When he stood up my head came to his waist and when I would put on his sport coat the side pockets would lay flat on the floor. I could slide his ring over three of my fingers and his shoes were longer than two of mine. At nearly 8 feet tall, weighing over 450 pounds Max was the biggest man I had ever seen or known.

His car had no front seat and to ride with him was an introduction into how much carpet they actually put in automobiles. The first time we had a meal together (something he did every two hours or so) I had a two piece chicken dinner and he ordered a bucket.

Not only was Max big but he had a great sense of humor. Occasionally when he would need a ride somewhere I would take him in an old pick-up. I would move the seat all the way back and put five or six pillows behind me so I could reach the pedals. That would leave Max enough room to get his legs in with his knees sticking up above the dashboard. Often at stoplights he would have the window down and reach out and pat the top of the car beside us. The first reaction of many drivers was to either run the light or just sit there and scream. Max loved it and never seemed to tire of ways to surprise people.

Growing up wasn’t easy for him. He was always the tallest kid and was picked on by most people in the Mississippi town where he grew up. His adult life was dominated by jobs that took him from Hollywood to professional wrestling. Max handled his fame by drinking and by his late 30’s it had begun to take a toll on his body which finally resulted in a hospital stay for a very sick giant. Tired of years of being teased and taken advantage of, Max had become depressed which had made him drink even more. Life at this point had little meaning or purpose.

A local pastor was visiting a church member one day when a hospital staffer told him about Max. The pastor stopped by for a visit and for the first time in his life Max heard the story of Jesus who loved him so much He went to the cross to die for him. Not long after that he made the life changing decision to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Once out of the hospital Max began to attend church and was asked to share his story. That opportunity opened a door for the giant to travel all over the country and share what God had done for him. In the years that followed he became known as "Goliath for Christ"!

Although you may never have known a real giant like Max most of us during our lifetime are confronted with giants. We know their names. They have names like: disease, divorce, family problems, finances, economy, heartache, and job loss to mention a few. They are big and frightening as they rob us of joy and hope. Once you have encountered a few of these giants you are often wounded and don’t know where to turn. Your days are empty and the nights are long as you seek answers to giants you never knew you would meet. You look for answers and seem to find none and have wondered if there is any hope. Take heart, there is!

Max found the answer that day in his hospital room when he heard the God's wonderful plan of salvation. Perhaps you're at a crossroads in your life and see no hope and no way out. Your burden is too heavy and there appears to be no rest available. If this all sounds painfull familiar than you need to know what Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I hope you'll join Max and so many of us who have found the answer for life and eternity.

Next post I'll share more of the story of the tallest man I ever knew.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Faith, Family and the Future

In recent weeks a number of troubling statements have been made by the new political team in Washington. Of all the different things said there is one that has stood out to me every day since I first heard it. Our new president asked his countrymen to join in remaking America. My first thought was remake it into what image? To remake means "to make again or anew." So the question still stands, with all of the sweeping changes we are being asked as the greatest nation on earth to remake-- "again or anew?"

In part of his inaugural address President Obama said the following: "At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because we the people have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears, and true to our founding documents." While this statement sounds good it actually differs from the views of many of our founding fathers who saw the greatness of this nation resting not in the government or the constitution alone, but rather in something else. James Madison, the fourth president clearly articulated the opinion of his time: "We've staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us…to govern ourselves according to the commandments of God. The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this constitution is founded."

It is hard to understand how being "faithful to the ideals of our forebears, and (staying) true to our founding documents" equates with remaking America. As each day goes by for the new administration more and more people seem to be awakening to the realization that we are headed on a different course with potentially dangerous consequences ahead. People are worried about their bank accounts, homes and investment portfolios. There is good reason to be, but there is also something of far greater value at stake: our faith, families and future.

When the founding fathers signed the Declaration they did it on faith. Faith, that this was the right thing to do for this new fledgling country. They had faith in their God and His Word as they clearly understood that the future of all they held dear now hung in the balance. Their actions that day cost many of them lands, fortunes and family.

Most of us in America have become so accustomed to the good life that all we really care about is peace at any cost. Like our founding fathers we are facing a time when we must decide what we believe and what is really important to us. It is clear that by far the majority in Washington are out of touch with reality and common sense. They have and will again sacrifice all for a "mess of pottage." Yesterday on a local talk radio station here in the valley someone called in and said "if we can't trust the government then what do we do?" Perhaps it's time to once again place our faith in the God of our founding fathers. Our cushy American lifestyle is on the precipice of being remade in an image that none of may recognize when they're done.

I believe our founders believed in three key principles:

1. "Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)

2. The one eternal thing we bring into this world and leave when we go is our family.

3. Our future is not dependent upon a politician or a stimulus package, it is solely in the hands of God and our choice to obey or not obey Him.

What choices are you willing to make for your faith, family and future?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Raising Kids? There is a Secret!

Raising kids is anything but a piece of cake.  It's hard work and even more so if you know the secret.  In my last post I said I would share the secret to raising children.  As promised the secret is "consistency."  The Random House Dictionary of the English Language defines consistent as "constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, etc.; holding firmly together."   Even the name itself implies that it takes longer than sixty seconds or even sixty months!   

We all want our children to consistently behave but in order for that to happen it means that we as parents and adults must be consistent in our own lives and that is more times then not where the real problem lies. Too many blame the the child when in reality the problem is found in the inconsistent lives of one or both parents.  If you're reading this you may be ready to go somewhere else but before you do indulge me a little a little longer.

At this point I need to issue a disclaimer.  I did not grow up with consistency in my home.  As a matter of fact I grew up with an opposing view.  The idea of being consistent as an adult never meant much until I was married and the first of 8 kids arrived.  As we raised our children my wife daily demonstrated consistency in her words and actions.  She also did the same for me which actually meant that at times she was raising 9 children.  It was hard for me to be consistent and be what I thought for a while was a "mean parent."  Ahhh, but as the years passed I began to see the importance of "constantly adhering to the same principles" as we worked hard at "holding" our family "firmly together."  So anything that I have learned about being consistent has come from the love of my life as I have watched her year after year.

There are many philosophies about rasing childred and the idea of changing a child's attitude, behavior and character in 60 seconds or less is one of those philosophies.  There is another philosophy that is found in the Bible.  Proverbs 22:6 tells us "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."  You may have even heard this verse before or memorized it in Sunday School.  There is great confusion today about the way a child should go.  As one parent said who I talked to about this subject several years ago, "how can we know that one way is better than another?"  There are so many ideas out there that are grounded in a contemporary culture that has lost it's spiritual and moral compass.  If these new philosophies worked then we would see test scores going up, decreased violence in school, a return to respect and civility in children and teenagers.  What we find is a continued collapse of the family unit, family values and fewer parents who know "the way" that their children should go than any other time in the history of our nation.
There is nothing more exciting than the birth of a baby.  I have had the privilege of being present for  the birth of all 8,  and had the heartbreak of holding one we lost.   Each one of them is a unique miracle and all of the dirty diapers, late night feedings and training was worth it all. Please understand that nothing can be a greater blessing than a new son or daughter. Remember though,  that that same little blessing can grow up to break your heart as a 15 year old.  As a parent you cannot fail; you must not fail.  No possession you have has more value than your child or your children.  They are the only eternal things you leave behind when you depart this world.   
What I have shared in this entry and the one before it is only a brief introduction to the hardest and most rewarding job in the world; being a parent .  Don't give up, there is hope!  You can do it! But you must be consistent and "know the way!" 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Change Your Child's Behavior in Less Than 60 Seconds?

Perhaps like me you have seen the commercial on TV that frequently advertises a CD that will help you get control of your child in 60 seconds or less.  The only way to do that so that the change is permanent is to have leverage, like a full grown T-rex in the backyard that you will feed your child to if they don't shape up!  You could also invest in a case of duct tape or even take roping lessons.  Whatever it is, it had better be good to stop bad behavior in less than a minute that a kid has been perfecting into an art form for years!

I will never forget going to the grocery store with my oldest son (now 33 with 5 of his own) who at that time was 3.  We were having a great time picking up a few things for Mom as we pretended we were driving in the Daytona 500.  We had just turned the corner into the cereal aisle when we saw "him"; although he was only 3 or 4 Chad and I knew that he was definitely related to Mr. Hyde's side of the family (Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde).  We stopped in the middle of the aisle as the following drama played out before our eyes.  The young terrorist said "I want Captain Crunch" and his mother said "no honey we're going to get something else today."  Raising his voice several decibels he again said, "I want Captain Crunch" and again his mother said "no".  By this time my little guy had the look on his face that kids get just before they know something big is about to happen.  The third time he spoke he yelled, "I said I want Captain Crunch" and then he proceeded to slap his mother in the face!  Chad's mouth dropped open and finally he found his voice as he looked at me and said, "whoa he's gonna get a spankin'!"  We were both surprised when his mother, holding her cheek said, "well all right, if that's what you want. Mommy's sorry."  She then picked up a box of the Captain's finest and put it in the cart.  As they passed us my little guy said "Dad are you gonna spank him?  Dad, he needs to be spanked!  Dad, please spank him!"  I explained that he wasn't my little boy and that maybe his Mom (I hoped) would take care of him in the car.  We were backing out of the parking lot when we again saw the pair getting into their car and Chad made one more comment, "somebody needs to spank him!"  

My wife and I have observed over the last 37 years that more children than ever behave badly in public and what's worse more parents than we ever remember allow it to happen.  I have wondered often if this is caused by parents who don't know how to discipline, or don't want to, afraid to discipline in public or have just fallen into the goofy idea that we must keep our children happy-- as we make them the center of our homes!?  Whatever it is, bad behaving children, disrespectful teenagers and embarassed parents are definitely on the increase.  It didn't used to be this way.  There was a day when a parent, teacher or principal could strike fear into the heart of a child with a simple verbal warning and the child would obey and behave!  I'm not making this up it really used to be that way.  

When I was about 6 I backed the tractor out of the garage and almost went down the hill into the corn field.  My Dad had repeatedly told me not to touch that old John Deere but I just couldn't help myself.  The worst part was two of my friends were standing behind me holding onto the seat.  When my mother said "you just wait until your father gets home," I immediately went to my little clubhouse and wrote out my last will and testament, lined up the toys I would give to my brother and waited under the tree.  

Finally, I heard the car in the drive way.  It didn't take long for my Dad to talk to my Mom, look at the tractor and call my name.  As my life passed before my eyes I walked up to him and he handed me his Old Timer pocket knife that I still have and said, "go down in the woods and cut a willow switch!"  In those days it was tough enough to get a whippin' but to have to cut your own switch was torture.  Ten minutes later I returned and he looked at what I had cut down and said "it's not big enough, go back and get another!"  I never forgot that or what happened when I brought the "log" back up the hill.  It was a long time before I disobeyed either one of my parents again.  Painful as it was it was a necessary lesson that has stuck with me through the years.

Rasing kids is hard work, but in this day and time with the prevailing culture, is it possible to raise well behaved, good kids who do right and turn into productive adults who live right?  I believe that it is and in my next entry I'll share the secret.  I will tell you that you can't do it in sixty seconds, it takes a life time but the rewards are richer than you can ever imagine!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Please, no more Sponge Bob!

I don't know about you, but when I was a kid cartoons looked like they were drawn by artists. There was depth and detail and they were anatomically correct.  I feel sorry for kids today who have to watch cartoons whose characters look like the lead artist was in K-5!  

Not long ago I stopped by the bank located at the end of aisle 6 in the grocery store.  To keep those standing in line awake they had a televison mounted on the wall, which on this particular day was playing a quality cartoon that I had not seen since I was a child.  The people looked like people and the animals looked like animals and the color of everything was normal.  

When I finally arrived at the counter and the teller greeted me I commented on the fact that it was nice to see a real cartoon for once.  She was in her early 20's and probably a college student so I wasn't sure what to expect for a response.  What a surprise when she agreed with me and said she liked the old cartoons better!  Spurred on with a new sense of confidence and noticing that no one else was waiting in line I shared with her how different television was today compared to the late 50's and early 60's.  I waxed eloquently about Hoppy, Roy, Gene and the Duke as I explained how they all stood for what was right and took action to correct what was bad.  "Those guys," I said "made a big impression on my generation as they defined what was right and wrong.     She readily agreed with me and said that she had watched some of those same shows with her dad.  

Finding myself still the only one at the counter I related to her an article that I read several months ago by Cal Thomas where he commented that his generation grew up with John Wayne who stood for what was right compared to this current generation whose role model is a 'mascara wearing pirate' who doesn't seem to know right from wrong.  At that point in the conversation she looked at me and said, "You know, who's to say anymore what's right and what's wrong?  I mean how can we really know?"  Quietly I stood there and realized that this intellengent, friendly young woman was a victim of post-modernism.  There is no right or wrong because everything is relative to the situation.  

Her questions were sincere and without sarcasm but they were very telling because they represent a prevailing view by many in this country.  I asked her "if there is no right or wrong does that mean you don't obey the speed limit or acknowledge stop signs?"  "If we can't know what 's right or wrong then would it be okay for me to rob the bank instead of make a deposit?" Immediately she responded "no those things are all against the law!"  Sensing there might be hope I asked what happens when we break the law?   With a look that would have dropped a bull moose she said, "well that's dumb, you get in trouble!" 

Thankful for a slow day at the bank I then asked her the big question.  "Where do we get our laws from?"  She thought for a minute and guessed Europe and then finally she thought maybe Rome.  Pursuing the point I asked what about before the laws before Europe and Rome?  Puzzled she said "Egypt?"  

For several minutes we continued talking until I asked her what were the ten laws that changed everything and provided the foundation for our constitution and judicial system?  She had no idea so I shared with her that they are found in the Bible in Exodus chapter 20, verses 1-17.  At that point her curoisity ended as she said the Bible had nothing for her.  

Walking out of the grocery store I was again reminded that there are so many people who view life just like Cara.  On one hand they believe that no one can really know what's good or evil and on the other they strongly object when anyone does something  wrong toward them.  You can't have it both ways.  If we have finally arrived at the point in our society when it is impossible to recognize right or wrong and good evil then we are close to the point of anarchy.  Like Israel in Judges 21:25 "everyone did what was right in his eyes."  From the nation's capital to the back pew in America's heartland we have bought into the idea that wheather something is right or wrong is all in the eyes of the individual.  I have heard it said on more than one occassion "what may be wrong to you maybe right to someone else, so don't be judgmental."  

The Bible was the basis of the core beliefs of our founding fathers.  At the constitutional convention of 1787 they recognized how important it was to both the founding and future of America.  They knew that it was impossible to have civility, justice and national longevity without the very thing so many in our country are trying to get rid of, the Bible.  Galatians 6:7 reminds us that what we sow we will reap.  If we are not reaping now what we have been sowing for almost five decades then maybe Sponge Bob is the new reality and Hoppy and Roy were confused about the good guys and the bad guys and standing f9r what's right against what's wrong isn't neccessary anymore.  While I know that there are many who believe that to be true I believe this philosophy has led America to the brink of disaster.  

We are running out of time but it is never too late to choose to stand against evil and do what is right.   Remember though,  it is impossible to define right and wrong apart from God's Word.