When I was a child my family travelled across the southeastern part of the United States. On more than one occasion on that trip I saw signs that indicated who could eat at a restaurant, use the bathroom and ride public transportation. When I asked my parents they said those signs were put up by "people who couldn't see well." Although these sights left me confused as a child because I been raised to see people as individuals and not as colors, my parents response was very clear. That was a long time ago and with all of advances that have come in our country and culture one would thing that those images would have become a thing of the past. Sad to say that is far from the case.
With the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court we once again hear the rally call of racism leveled against anyone who opposes her assuming this position. We have heard this most recently about anyone who disagrees with our new president. What a paradox it is that one of the ugliest chapters in America's history is constantly used as a "wild card" by those in Washington who are supposed to represent all of the people. Those who do this have but one agenda, and that is to impose their way and opinion on everyone. They will use race, ethnicity and anything else to win. In reality though, as long as these tactics are part of our culture no one will ever win.
We continue to be a nation that falls for lies like this as we consistently move away from the truth. Many today would say there is no truth to move away from because all truth is relative. That is officially called post-modernism and it is perhaps would of the oldest lies of all. Proponets of this lie would argue that there is no truth except as it appears in the eyes of the beholder so man can do and say whatever he wants.
Moving away from the truth has had tremendous consequences that we continue to experience on a daily basis as a nation. A collapsing economy, immorality accepted as normality, and the gutting of the nation as we have known it. While all of this is purported by some as clear evidence of man's on going evolution as a species it is in reality the sad result of man's devolution. While our amazing technology improves, the nature of man continues to deteriorate. If you doubt this take any week of any month and read or listen to the news.
I am thankful for being raised to see people as unique individuals. My wife and I raised our 8 children that way and hopefully they will do the same with their children. Through the years we have had so many wonderful friends from all over the world. Different cultures, languages and faces. But all unique individuals.
In the Old Testament God told Samuel to go and find the new king of Israel. When Samuel met one man he thought to himself that this must be the new king of Israel, but he was wrong. While he probably was an impressive young man he was not the one of God's choosing. In verse 7 in II Samuel God said, "Do not look at his appearance or his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
I hope you see well enough to recognize the truth and not fall for the lie!
You guessed it, the bible is the truth that I was referring to. To reject it and neglect it is tantamount to being lost in a huge cavern while someone turns off all the lights out and then complains about the darkness.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Valley With No End In Sight
As a Christian I have learned through the years how wonderful those mountaintop experiences can be when prayer is answered, the fog you were engulfed in is suddenly lifted and you are able to see your way clear to the next step in life. I have also learned equally well the testing of the valleys. Sometimes it is a short valley with a spot of light to move towards but other times it is the kind of valley whose length seems to go on forever as you find yourself trapped in its darkness and gloom. The only way you would understand these word pictures is if you have both enjoyed the mountaintops and have found yourself struggling as a valley dweller.
Mountaintops are easy to be thankful for and enjoy the abundances of God's blessings. Valley living is a different story as often times the best you can hope for is enough light to take the next step. It is so easy to exhibit contentment when we breathe in that clean mountain air and equally so hard to find contentment when we find ourselves in the stressful existence of the valley. But in reality that is the key to valley survival skills. Learning contentment as Paul mentioned in Philippians 4:11. Contentment is much easier to practice when things are going well, the bills are paid, and the refrigerator is full. The real lessons of contentment are learned when you're stuck and there is nothing you can do but wait on Him.
It is only when you experience the feeling of not being in control that you begin to learn to become absolutely dependent on Him and His that word. Its at this point that you really begin to understand what contentment means. Please notice Paul said that he had "learned" to be content. That learning only comes when you walk through the valley and realize that God's "word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path" Psalm 119:105. That is when you learn to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; (so that) in all your ways (you can) acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths," Proverbs 3:5-6.
You may be feeling your way through the valley at this moment with some trial or test. One of the questions you may be asking is how can I know for sure that this will end and I'll finally see light at the end of the trail? The answer is simple, so simple in fact that it took me a few years to finally get it. God is in control. That's it! He is sovereign and He and He alone is in control of all that goes on and especially so in the lives of His children. Now your valley time may have caused you to doubt this but I can prove it to you. In John 10:14 Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by my own." In verse 27 He said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Just think, the God who created the universe, John 1:1-3 cares about His own; you! So if you belong to Him, He not only knows what mountaintop you are rejoicing on, He also knows exactly where you are in the valley of darkness, disappointment and pain.
Don't give in or give up. Take it from one who has explored many valleys, He will give you enough light to see His path through and out of whatever valley you're in. And if perhaps you are on the mountaintop, enjoy it because everything is downhill from there!
Mountaintops are easy to be thankful for and enjoy the abundances of God's blessings. Valley living is a different story as often times the best you can hope for is enough light to take the next step. It is so easy to exhibit contentment when we breathe in that clean mountain air and equally so hard to find contentment when we find ourselves in the stressful existence of the valley. But in reality that is the key to valley survival skills. Learning contentment as Paul mentioned in Philippians 4:11. Contentment is much easier to practice when things are going well, the bills are paid, and the refrigerator is full. The real lessons of contentment are learned when you're stuck and there is nothing you can do but wait on Him.
It is only when you experience the feeling of not being in control that you begin to learn to become absolutely dependent on Him and His that word. Its at this point that you really begin to understand what contentment means. Please notice Paul said that he had "learned" to be content. That learning only comes when you walk through the valley and realize that God's "word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path" Psalm 119:105. That is when you learn to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; (so that) in all your ways (you can) acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths," Proverbs 3:5-6.
You may be feeling your way through the valley at this moment with some trial or test. One of the questions you may be asking is how can I know for sure that this will end and I'll finally see light at the end of the trail? The answer is simple, so simple in fact that it took me a few years to finally get it. God is in control. That's it! He is sovereign and He and He alone is in control of all that goes on and especially so in the lives of His children. Now your valley time may have caused you to doubt this but I can prove it to you. In John 10:14 Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by my own." In verse 27 He said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Just think, the God who created the universe, John 1:1-3 cares about His own; you! So if you belong to Him, He not only knows what mountaintop you are rejoicing on, He also knows exactly where you are in the valley of darkness, disappointment and pain.
Don't give in or give up. Take it from one who has explored many valleys, He will give you enough light to see His path through and out of whatever valley you're in. And if perhaps you are on the mountaintop, enjoy it because everything is downhill from there!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Left's Confusing Morality
Listening to those on the liberal left talk about morality is a little like trying to understand one of my grand kids. She has allot to say but because of her limited vocabulary it's hard to understand her constant ramblings.
Take for example the word moral. It is morally correct to release pictures of water boarding that will put CIA field agents and our military at a greater risk but it is morally unacceptable to bring up the murder of over a million children a year. Its morally unacceptable for Carrie Prejean, Miss California to exercise her right of free speech but perfectly fine for some on the left to be rude and use vulgarity as they attack her person and character. Its not a moral question when a well known media personality deliberately slants a story or even lies in presenting it but it is a moral outrage to question their ethics.
While some suggest that there is a double standard with the left, I believe it goes deeper than that. The word moral is defined as "pertaining to, or concerned with right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong." Other words that help us understand moral are "ethical, right, proper, virtuous, honorable, noble, estimable, meritorious, principled, just, fair, aboveboard; pure, honest, high-minded and saintly." The problem for many liberals is not just a difference of opinion in this area, it is the apparent lack of any moral foundation. They don't get the point because for them morality is not what is right or wrong, but rather what is relative to the individual and the situation.
If morality is being able to make the distinction between what is right and wrong, than it would seem vital to determine where we get our standard of right and wrong from. That standard did not originate with your grandmother, the founding fathers or even the Pilgrims. It didn't come from da Vinci, Michelangelo or Socrates. Where did our standard for ethics, morality, and virtue come from? It came from the book of Exodus when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. The roots of every noble thought that man has ever had can be found in those ten basic laws. They are vital to the success of an individual or a nation. When they are done away with the lines of right and wrong become blurry and confusing. It all then depends on the individuals point of view.
When anyone rejects the foundation of morality they are also rejecting the author of that morality. The book of Romans in the New Testament reveals what happens when this takes place in chapter 1 verses 21-22 and verse 28. "Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify God Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools." "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind.
For far too many morality has become fluid rather than a solid foundation to build a life, family or a country upon. Until there is a return to the God of the Old and New Testament and His word we will continue to be a nation adrift in the sea of moral confusion.
Take for example the word moral. It is morally correct to release pictures of water boarding that will put CIA field agents and our military at a greater risk but it is morally unacceptable to bring up the murder of over a million children a year. Its morally unacceptable for Carrie Prejean, Miss California to exercise her right of free speech but perfectly fine for some on the left to be rude and use vulgarity as they attack her person and character. Its not a moral question when a well known media personality deliberately slants a story or even lies in presenting it but it is a moral outrage to question their ethics.
While some suggest that there is a double standard with the left, I believe it goes deeper than that. The word moral is defined as "pertaining to, or concerned with right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong." Other words that help us understand moral are "ethical, right, proper, virtuous, honorable, noble, estimable, meritorious, principled, just, fair, aboveboard; pure, honest, high-minded and saintly." The problem for many liberals is not just a difference of opinion in this area, it is the apparent lack of any moral foundation. They don't get the point because for them morality is not what is right or wrong, but rather what is relative to the individual and the situation.
If morality is being able to make the distinction between what is right and wrong, than it would seem vital to determine where we get our standard of right and wrong from. That standard did not originate with your grandmother, the founding fathers or even the Pilgrims. It didn't come from da Vinci, Michelangelo or Socrates. Where did our standard for ethics, morality, and virtue come from? It came from the book of Exodus when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. The roots of every noble thought that man has ever had can be found in those ten basic laws. They are vital to the success of an individual or a nation. When they are done away with the lines of right and wrong become blurry and confusing. It all then depends on the individuals point of view.
When anyone rejects the foundation of morality they are also rejecting the author of that morality. The book of Romans in the New Testament reveals what happens when this takes place in chapter 1 verses 21-22 and verse 28. "Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify God Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools." "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind.
For far too many morality has become fluid rather than a solid foundation to build a life, family or a country upon. Until there is a return to the God of the Old and New Testament and His word we will continue to be a nation adrift in the sea of moral confusion.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Saddest Thing About Washington Politics
In recent days many changes have taken place in our country. While these events have caused some to rejoice many wonder where we are headed as a nation and what will be left for those who follow after us. The popularity of the U S Congress is at the lowest point in a long time. The frustrations and concerns of many Americans have gone largely ignored by those who sit on both sides of the aisle. The majority in the media have taken to openly referring to many Americans who voice concerns as trouble makers. Part of our government has labeled at best some of these as people who should be watched and at worst, terrorists. I cannot personally remember a time like this in American history.
While all of this and more is troubling I find part of it to be with out a doubt the saddest thing about politics. There is a lack of a key ingredient in most of those who legislate, govern, carry out policies and sit behind desks of power in our nation's capital. This missing ingredient is probably doing more to harm the present status and future direction of our country than any other single thing. What single thing could be so dangerous? Lack of character.
It is lack of character that will allow a politician to lie to the American people. They simply don't understand that one of the driving elements of frustration in this country is that so many in Washington think that the average American is dumb enough to believe the constant pattern of lies. George Washington understood the importance of character when he said "few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." Mark Twain also understood the value of character when he wrote the following words in 1901: "Always do right. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest." Many of us in this country would like to be astonished by the abundance of a politician's character.
When character is missing trust has no fertilizer and men begin to do whatever is right in their eyes. When character is no longer valued than the moral and spiritual fibers become strained and begin to fray. When character is no longer elevated than men and women have no problem looking into a television camera and tell whoppers to the people who elected them. When character is lost than those who should have it don't even realize its gone.
I recently read a great story that illustrated personal character and integrity. Thomas Edison once invented a talking doll that had a phonograph inside its body with nursery rhymes that had been previously recorded. It was a one of kind invention. Hundreds of these unique dolls were produced before Edison found out that his company had sold the right to manufacture phonographic toys to another company years before.
Although the other company never complained Edison immediately stopped manufacturing the talking dolls and had the remaining ones destroyed. That was character. He chose to do right because it was the right thing to do.
Perhaps those who have been elected, appointed and hired to fill the all important jobs in government should take stock of themselves and realize the consequences of governing without character. Across this great country there are older Americans and very impressionable younger Americans that are all trying to figure out if there is anyone left inside the "beltway" that can be trusted.
The saddest thing about Washington politics is that those involved have forgotten that the measure of a person's character is what they would do, if they knew they would never be found out. Regardless of what the outcome might be, it is always right do to right!
While all of this and more is troubling I find part of it to be with out a doubt the saddest thing about politics. There is a lack of a key ingredient in most of those who legislate, govern, carry out policies and sit behind desks of power in our nation's capital. This missing ingredient is probably doing more to harm the present status and future direction of our country than any other single thing. What single thing could be so dangerous? Lack of character.
It is lack of character that will allow a politician to lie to the American people. They simply don't understand that one of the driving elements of frustration in this country is that so many in Washington think that the average American is dumb enough to believe the constant pattern of lies. George Washington understood the importance of character when he said "few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." Mark Twain also understood the value of character when he wrote the following words in 1901: "Always do right. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest." Many of us in this country would like to be astonished by the abundance of a politician's character.
When character is missing trust has no fertilizer and men begin to do whatever is right in their eyes. When character is no longer valued than the moral and spiritual fibers become strained and begin to fray. When character is no longer elevated than men and women have no problem looking into a television camera and tell whoppers to the people who elected them. When character is lost than those who should have it don't even realize its gone.
I recently read a great story that illustrated personal character and integrity. Thomas Edison once invented a talking doll that had a phonograph inside its body with nursery rhymes that had been previously recorded. It was a one of kind invention. Hundreds of these unique dolls were produced before Edison found out that his company had sold the right to manufacture phonographic toys to another company years before.
Although the other company never complained Edison immediately stopped manufacturing the talking dolls and had the remaining ones destroyed. That was character. He chose to do right because it was the right thing to do.
Perhaps those who have been elected, appointed and hired to fill the all important jobs in government should take stock of themselves and realize the consequences of governing without character. Across this great country there are older Americans and very impressionable younger Americans that are all trying to figure out if there is anyone left inside the "beltway" that can be trusted.
The saddest thing about Washington politics is that those involved have forgotten that the measure of a person's character is what they would do, if they knew they would never be found out. Regardless of what the outcome might be, it is always right do to right!
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